175th Anniversary - Country Bank

Thanks for 175 Years!

We’re giving 175 gifts to our Community!

To say thank you for 175 years, we’re giving 175 gifts to local nonprofits, charitable organizations, and community members. Check back to read heartwarming stories about gifts given and the latest updates on how we’re celebrating our anniversary.

Recent Gifts

Stay tuned for a list of Country Bank’s most recent donations as part of our 175th anniversary.

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Nominate a WooStar

Do you know a community member or local nonprofit deserving of a gift? Submit a nomination!

Nominate a Local Hero

Award an Educator

Help us pay tribute to the meaningful contributions teachers make to the social, emotional, and intellectual development of their students.

Nominate a Teacher

Born in Massachusetts

Since 1850, we’ve been a part of Massachusetts families, stories, and communities. We’ve made it through wars, economic crises, famines, and the turns of two centuries. But we couldn’t have made it without you.

As we move through our 175th year in business, stronger than ever, we want to thank the people who got us here: you.

Where We’re Making a Difference

Donations in 2025 – $115,334

Giving back to our community is part of who we are.

Follow along as we celebrate 175 years through customer events at our banking centers and community events that we support or sponsor!

Celebrate with us

Celebrating our anniversary

Honoring Our History & Milestones

We’ve Been Around Since…

  • Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter was published.
  • American Express was founded by Henry Wells & William Fargo.
  • Millard Fillmore became president.
  • California became the 31st state.
  • Harriet Tubman became a conductor on the Underground Railroad.
  • German physicist Rudolf Clausius discovered the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
  • Manifest destiny was all the rage.
  • Before the New York Times
  • More than half of Americans lived on farms.
  • Before the first elevator
  • The Gold Rush
  • The reign of queen Victoria